Monday, October 3, 2016

My Epiduo Journey - EPIDUO ANTI ACNE GEL Review

Hi Guys!!

Today I will be talking about a product that made a significant difference in my skin and it's the EPIDUO ANTI ACNE GEL.

I have been using this for more than eight weeks now, and I can confidently say that this product works. Just to give you a bit of background, I've had relatively clear skin, and I never had to worry about acne until late 2013. Since then I've tried a looooot of different products. Pretty much anything on the market that specifically targets acne, I've tried it. Clean and Clear, Belo, Ponds, Celeteque, Cetaphil, Garnier, Physiogel, name a few. The problem was.. none of them seemed to helped and worked. I felt so helpless because my acne remained persistent and I felt like I was running out of options.

Out of desperation, I decided to seek professional help. My dermatologist suggested i get a clearing facial once every two weeks and for my daily regimen. she prescribed AHA ( Alpha Hydroxy Acid ) face cream, Benzac, a topical benzoyl peroxide and Doxycyline, an oral antibiotic which has really terrible side effects which includes nausea, an upset stomach and vomiting.  I admit the facials and the medications  ( both oral and topical )  she put me on helped my skin a little, but they went nowhere near curing it. So I decided to see another dermatologist and that is when, my savior, my acnes' nightmare, the EPIDUO ANTI ACNE GEL was prescribed to me along with the Clindamycin Phosphate Topical Solution which I need to apply on the affected area twice a day.

Epiduo Anti Acne Gel

The EPIDUO ANTI ACNE GEL is an antibiotic-free topical acne treatment with a fixed dose combination of 0.1% adapalene and 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is an antimicrobial medicine which kills the bacteria that lead to breakouts and helps 'em from coming back. Adapalene is a type of retinoid, and the other medicine in Epiduo Gel which unclogs blocked pores, helping to stop acne from forming under the skin's surface and decreasing the redness, swelling and inflammation associated with acne. Both of these ingredients are combined in one single treatment and have been proven to work better together than they do alone.

I like that the product is contained in a squeeze-out tube. It's handy and it's very easy to travel with and you get more control on the amount of product that you want to use. The cap that it comes with is also very secure so you don't have to worry about it spillin' all over your vanity bag when your travellin'.

The product cost P 1,200+. I got mine from my dermatologist but you can purchase this from Watsons or Mercury Drug as long as you have a prescription. The tube contains 15 grams of the product and this could last you about 2 or 3 months depending on how you use it.

It has a gel like consistency and it gets easily absorbed by the skin. I used  this only  at night after I wash my face with a gentle cleanser.

As with most acne treatments, this does come with side effects. I remember, during my first two weeks of using it, my skin was very irritated, red and super super dry especially on the areas with active spots. I only use  a pea sized amount as recommended by my dermatologist and I spread it evenly across my face. I tried to use more that was recommended, and my skin got more dry, flaky and irritated. I would suggest using a gentle moisturizer to combat the side effects. As for me, I used the Naturals by Watsons Organic Morocco Argan Oil which worked amazingly well with this treatment.

Right now, I'm already on my second tube, my acne is under control and  I love what it has done to my skin. I wish I have taken pictures of my progress but i guarantee this review is 100% HONEST. I'm not telling you all to go out, get a prescription and buy this. Remember, everyone's skin is different, so....what works on me, may not work on yours. So it's always best to talk to your doctor and get the best advice.

Epiduo definitely has worked for me and I'm so happy I came across this after years of battling acne. My skin is not perfect but i feel so much more comfortable in it now than ever before. 

I'm sorry  for a very lengthy post, but it's something I wanted to get out there for anyone suffering with acne coz I know how horrible it can be. If anyone has any questions please let me know by leaving a comment below.

For more details about this amazing product, please visit their website: Epiduo.

Good Luck!!


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